Saturday, December 28, 2013

Adventures en Cambodge 2013

This was my first time to travel with a larger group. It's usually just with Kakai and Nickie. This time we were joined by  Tan Tan (Kakai's boyfriend) and the lovely couple CenTel. Cente and Tel are our good friends from Pampanga. It's a loooonnggg story how we became really close with our Pampanga and Bicol friends but to cut the long story short the common denominator is Mel--our college barkada and Tel's bestfriend.

It was also our first time to take a guided tour. For the longest time, we resisted guided tours because we don't want our schedules to be restricted. We also believe that traveling should be an intimate activity, so yes, we don't really want to be stuck with random people for days. But this trip proved our theories wrong.

Kakai has been following Paula Peralejo in instagram and she found out about her travel company. The selling point of the Siem Reap package was 1) it was affordable 2) for a minimum number of 4 pax, you can avail of an exclusive tour. The latter was the deciding factor. Visit ourrestlessfeet now =)

So here goes our Siem Reap tour! :) Enjoy my travel video!

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