Saturday, May 03, 2014

Humans of Myanmar

For the many times that I have traveled, I realized I became better in dealing with people and striking a conversation with random people or rather my fellow wanderers.

I travel abroad not because there is nothing to see in the Philippines. I travel abroad because I want to discover what lies beneath. 

I am grateful to have visited Myanmar in its barely unexplored state. They just recently opened up their country which means the inflow of tourists is still low.

When I'm abroad, I have random rhetorical questions to myself. Things like "what if I were born here?", "what if I get assigned here?". These questions make me thing that I could have been an entirely different person.. probably with a different belief, way of living and lifestyle.

Meet these Burmese people who inspired me in many different ways

1. Uu

Uu stationed himself in Ananda Temple. His dream is to be a tour guide so when he is not in school he goes to the temple and volunteers to impart his local knowledge to the tourists for FREE! This is his way of practicing his English and getting himself comfortable in guiding the foreigners. 

2. Mau-Mau

Mau is a seventh grader who sells postcards in one of pagodas. This kid will surprise you of his fluency in English! He first asked me where I came from then he started asking me if I have Philippine peso bill as he was collecting bills. Then I asked him to show me his collection. Dude, he had a bunch from all over the world. This kid certainly charmed the other tourists as much as he charmed us. He then started talking about the history of the paintings in the walls. He learned English by listening to the other tour guides. Way to go Mau. I will never see you again but I know you will be a good tour guide someday. 

3. Myo

Myo was our driver who ended up as our tour guide--all for the price of one. What was consistent during our trip was Burmese people were genuinely kind-hearted.

Myo was definitely one of them. 

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