Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Conquered Mt. Pulag

Every start of the year, most of us prepare a bucket list. I kinda have one too. "Kinda" because I have a floating list in my head but it's not really written down in a diary or shared in facebook. I am fond of using the phrase "one off my bucket list".. wait.. I don't have one!

Conquering Pulag was in my floating list.
Traveling alone again was there too.
Doing my first climb was there too.

That being said, I think I had enough reasons to convince myself to sign up for a Pulag trip, alone.
I've pretty  much prepared myself emotionally and physically for this trip.

I didn't know what to expect so I just had to over prepare and it helps that my brother who is a mountaineer was so passionate to brief me with all the hiking tips.

The trip was priceless. There are so many stories to tell. Most of it are epic ones. It was a triumphant feeling to reach the summit. 

But most of all, I think this trip was memorable because of the new friends I met. It was FUN. 

Topload ride! Flex the biceps and hold on tight! 

This is where we ate breakfast before heading to the actual hike. 

When traveling, I always want to make the locals smile :) 

Coffeetime in the camp site!

Waking up at 3am to go to the summit was the hardest. It was freakin cold!!! But hey, i did it!!!

Sea of clouds :) 

Backpackers United!!! 

So on our way back from Jang Jang to Baguio, it's time for some gin shots inside the jeepney along the winding road! 😂👍 not a good idea but it was fun! 

The boys of BU! Backstreet boys! 

Girls! Represent!!!

Goodtimes Pulag friends!! 

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